
Its commonly know as every human society need schools and colleges. In the same way, society needs stationary shop to fulfill equipment that is necessary in school such as textbooks, school uniform, pencil, eraser and other basic necessities. So if you are living in Rawalpindi, you can find all of your school Stationery, Textboks, Bags, Uniform as well as office stationary at BookPlus.

BookPlus is the name of trust where we have all the school, college and related office products that every common man require on daily basis from led pencil to drawing boards.

Bookplus also having a nice section which includes decorating pieces, artificial jewelry, hand bags and other related items.

We can say, Bookplus is the best but fact of the matter is, you will say, if you visit us that Bookplus is really the best stationary shop in variety and affordability as compare to others in Rawalpindi.

Just visit us or contact us if you want to inquire anything specific. We are sure your phone call will worth it.